
Help documentation for DYNAMOvis. The documentation further elaborates upon the functions, parameters, and processes found in DYNAMOvis.

Video Tutorials

In addition to the help documentation, these video tutorials are provided to show some of the various analysis functions DYNAMOvis has. They are organized as follows:

General Tools

This video walks through the process of uploading tracking data. Data must have unique identifiers, a temporal variable, and have WGS84 coordinates. Attributes and the visualized tracks can be enabled in the configure animation pane. Once loaded in, an animation is created and can be controlled through the main side control panel. Attributes can be visualized with lines, points, vectors, or a combination of the three. Colors can be changed and generated by the user. If no additional attributes were included only the unique ID color can be used to symbolize the data.

For further configuration, the user can control the location of legend items by unlocking the legend and moving sections to the desired location on the screen. The animation can also be exported as a video for further use.



Boundary Visualization

This feature will be coming in the next update and will be particularly useful for anlayzing movement patterns for animals that have home-ranges. The boundary of the home-range can be visualized. Transparency and color can be adjusted for the boundary shape and outline. The time range for the visualization can be changed so that the border drawn contains the home-range for the specified length of time.

Space-Time Cube

The space-time cube is another upcoming feature. It visualizes the tracking data in 3D with time being the third vertical dimension. The space-time cube is connected to the main display and is animated synchronously. Changes to visual variables in 2D will be displayed in 3D as well. There is an option to label months as well as an option to create a static image holding the final visualization for the entire animation time. The static panel will use the visual variable configurations chosen at the time of its drawing.


Interaction visualization is also a new function for DYNAMOvis that is coming in the next update. The user chooses two tracks that interact. A buffer distance is used to determine how close spatially and temporlly the animals are. If within the buffer time and distance set by the user, the animals are considered to be interacting. There are three different options for displaying interaction:

Highlight on the Fly visualizes the selected distance buffers as a ring. When there is an interaction the rings change color to highlight the interaction.

Highlight all Interactions creates a semi-transparent point at the location of the interaction that remains visible for the entire animation.

Highlight Boundary Interactions creates a shape to represent where the home-ranges intersect. When one of the animals is within this area the boundary will turn gold. It both entities are within the area the boundary will turn red. If an interaction happens the red boundary will thicken to indicate the interaction. The same rings used in Highlight on the Fly are used to represent the size of the spatial buffer. They also change color based on the location of the entity. When inside the intersection, the ring will turn gold. When both entities are within the boundary their rings remain gold. If they interact within the boundary the rings become red.